About me

Hi and welcome to my site!
My name is Stefan Gast.
I am a PhD Student in the CoreSec group of Daniel Gruss at Graz University of Technology. My research focuses on microarchitectural attacks and defenses.


SLUBStick: Arbitrary Memory Writes through Practical Software Cross-Cache Attacks within the Linux Kernel

Lukas Maar, Stefan Gast, Martin Unterguggenberger, Mathias Oberhuber, Stefan Mangard

USENIX Security 2024

SnailLoad: Exploiting Remote Network Latency Measurements without JavaScript

Stefan Gast, Roland Czerny, Jonas Juffinger, Fabian Rauscher, Simone Franza, Daniel Gruss

USENIX Security 2024


Remote Scheduler Contention Attacks

Stefan Gast, Jonas Juffinger, Lukas Maar, Christoph Royer, Andreas Kogler, Daniel Gruss

FC 2024

SQUIP: Exploiting the Scheduler Queue Contention Side Channel

Stefan Gast, Jonas Juffinger, Martin Schwarzl, Gururaj Saileshwar, Andreas Kogler, Simone Franza, Markus Köstl, Daniel Gruss

IEEE S&P 2023

Systematic Analysis of Programming Languages and Their Execution Environments for Spectre Attacks

Amir Naseredini, Stefan Gast, Martin Schwarzl, Pedro Miguel Sousa Bernardo, Amel Smajic, Claudio Canella, Martin Berger, Daniel Gruss



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